Pomalid 4 Mg the capsule is used in conjunction with another medication (dexamethasone) to treat Multiple Myeloma. It functions by destroying aberrant cells and assisting the bone marrow in producing healthy blood cells.
The immune system is stimulated by pomalid 4 mg capsules to prevent the blood’s aberrant plasma cells, a type of white blood cell, from proliferating. This aids in eliminating the cancerous cells that are present in the blood and stops them from spreading. Additionally, it lessens the blood flow to the cancer cells, which aids in halting their ability to spread throughout the body. Further information can be acquired from australiarxmeds.com. It is an online store that provide Pomalid 4 Mg medications at lower prices.
You can take Pomalid 4 Mg with or without food, however, it’s best to take it at the same time each day. The amount and frequency of treatment that is right for you will be decided by your doctor. This is based on your current medical status and is dependent on that. You should strictly abide by your doctor’s directions. Taking it incorrectly or in excess can have potentially harmful side effects.
Side Effects
The most frequent negative effects of this medication are diarrhea, fever, bone discomfort, and weariness. Other difficulties may include:
- breathing difficulty
- Deficiencies in sodium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphate
- High Blood Pressure
- elevated levels of blood sugar
- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, appetite loss, and stomach pain
The unborn child could be harmed by Pomalid 4 Mg Capsule. As a result, it shouldn’t be used by pregnant women, women who intend to get pregnant, or women who suspect they could be pregnant. Prior to starting treatment with Pomalid 4, during treatment, and for four weeks after ending treatment, women of reproductive potential must use an effective method of contraception to prevent pregnancy. If you unintentionally got pregnant while receiving treatment with Pomalid 4mg, you should stop taking the medication and tell your doctor right away.
The passage Of Pomalid 4 Mg through breast milk is unknown. Therefore, it should only be administered to nursing mothers if the doctor deems it necessary.

Lyrix A. Kashius –