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Massage and Erections: A Comprehensive Guide

By Australiarxmeds, Sep-07-2024  

Massage and Erections: A Comprehensive Guide

The erection of your penis is something that aids your intimacy with your partner. Hence, when you miss that, it is something of real worry for both you and your partner. However, capsules are available on the market to assist with your condition. These include Cenforce 50, which is of mild dose, and you can get more dosage too if you need such.

However, it is not that you prefer to have medicines all the time, and therefore, you look for some other techniques for your erection.

Can Massage Help Your Erection?

➤ Since getting no erection at all, or having a softer erection is disrupting your married life, it becomes a stress for you. You searched for different methods to treat the same. You even reached your doctor too after you tried lots of things. He suggested you Fildena 100mg, which you take regularly, before having sex.

➤ However, you watched one thing in particular, whenever you do not take the tablets, you do not get the erection you desire. You start looking for other methods to overcome your disorder. Then you come to different opinions and one of them is Massage. Yes, massaging works for erection and works very effectively. However, to fix the issue of your disorder, you need to follow this massaging technique for a long time.

How Does This Massage Technique Work?

➤ Popularly known as Jelqing, this is the technique where you need to use your thumb and little finger to form a zero shape first. Then use the same by pulling it from the base of the penis to the tip of it several times.

➤ Do not go for the massaging more than once a day, as the rubbing, your penis finds from it, can form rashes on it and you can feel its pain.

➤ You can use oil and jelly-type substances to make the Massage easier. This will ensure that the penis does not get hurt from the rubbing effect.

➤ Do not hold the fingers tight to your penis. Just apply a gentle Massage to make it effective and keep your bodily system safe.

➤ While undergoing the process, the finger touch will function as acupuncture for your penis veins and thus blood will start flowing from the base of it to the tip of it uniformly. Thus, the veins of the penile region will get expanded supporting more blood flow through it and ultimately giving you the erection for which you are aspiring.

➤ Once you do the Jelqing, you will find a hard erection that will stay longer than usual too. However, if you wish to get such an erection naturally, without any massaging, then you need to follow this technique for long and continuous days.

How Effective is The Massage Technique?

➦ If you are looking for some other techniques and keep the medicines away from you, this Massage will not work initially. However, when you start doing it, as you continue taking the Fildena 150mg pill, this will work effectively and after a few times of doing the same, you might not have to take any capsules, and the Massage will alone work for you.

➦ However, according to the tests conducted for the purpose, it has been found that without any medicine, when you apply Massage solely, it does not give you any hardness in your erection if you are an ED patient.

➦ If you are not a patient, but you need a harder erection to ensure better pleasure in bed, this technique is ideal for you. However, there are two things that you will also want to know about it. The first one is another technique to give you an erection, other than taking medicine. The second one is the limitation you can face while undergoing both techniques.

Alternative Massage Technique for Erection.

🗸 Jelqing will give you an erection when you initially take the pills with it. Once you are habituated to massaging then you can leave the medicines, and the massaging alone will be sufficient to give you an erection. If you wish to keep the Fildena Double 200 Mg away from you, there is another technique to give you the aid. In this technique, a vacuum is formed around your penis to force the blood reach to the tip of the penis, thus forming a harder erection.

🗸 In the technique, known as Vacuum Erection Device, you will plant a tube over your penis and evacuate the air from the tube. Once the air inside is evacuated, the same will put a suction technique over your penis and will pull blood to the tip of it.

🗸 To keep the erection for 30 minutes, keep the rubber band, available with the tube, attached at the base of your penis. This will not allow it to go down. However, various things are attached to it. This includes the pressure your penis faces for the rubber band. You can even find some rashes in the region too. Be it in that way, you will not have to take medicines here too.

When Will Massage Work?

Now this is the most vital question that you asked – when the Massage works and when it does not work. See, the major issue is that you are not getting the proper erection, you need for your intimacy. You are trying Vidalista 40 mg, going for Vacuum Erection Device, and trying Jelqing all to support this issue, but let us tell you that the reasons for not getting an erection can be many, but all these techniques work for you for a particular issue.

This means that, when you are not getting Massage and Erections for all other issues, then none of these techniques will work on you. Now, the question is – what are the conditions that resist your erection?

◾ The process of erection starts from your senses. If you are stressed or depressed, you can miss the sensation and that will prevent you from getting an erection.

◾ The sensation travels to the heart as stimuli and asks participation of your heart in the mechanism of erection. There too, if there is an issue with your nervous system, you can find low or no erection at all.

Thirdly, when your heart is not in a proper shape to pump more blood and participate in the erection process, you will again miss the erection.

◾ Fourthly, if the blood that is carried to the penis tip, from the heart can have the anomaly. High-fat levels and sugar levels can prevent it from flowing freely and restrict your erection.

In the fifth case, the issue can be narrow internal space in your penile veins. There are all the techniques, including Cenforce 50 Tablet, massaging, and Vacuum Erection Device work for you.

Therefore, if the reason for which you are not getting an erection is different from the fifth one, nothing will work for you. You will need proper treatment for that issue from the specific doctor. Hence, there is no reason to think that erection issues are only a sexual disorder. It is much more than that, at times. Hence, reach out to a doctor and go for a check-up and then only decide what to do. If you need Fildena 100, the doctor will suggest that. There, you can go for alternative techniques like massaging or a Vacuum Erection Device.