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Erections: Types, Stages, and Erection-Related Problems

By Australiarxmeds, Dec-26-2024  



📢 Fast Fact:

◾ When discussing erections, we often have a particular type of image. We only imagine the hard penis that we get when we feel the arousal.

◾ A person who naturally gets this never has to depend on drugs like Kamagra Oral Jelly. However, different aspects of erections also need to be discussed.

◾ From its types to how to enhance its quality. These are the sort of things you need to know as a man. Today we are going to discuss such aspects.

◾ We shall discuss about different stages of erections as well. An extensive look into this can provide a lot of details to all persons looking to improve on different intimacy aspects.


Types Of Erections

Broadly speaking, there are 3 ways of dividing the types of it. Mainly you can face 3 types of these erections at any time for a moment of stimulation.

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These are the sort of erections that happens when physical touches or contact happens over your penis. This contact can be made by your partner’s hand as well. You can also feel this well contacting the female body part. You get erections only because physical touch is happening to your private region.

➦ Psychogenic erections:

Sex drive and libido have a big role to play in our arousal. Hence, whenever we have this urge, we might have arousal as well. That simple thought of seeing someone we are attracted to in an intimate position can create a male erection.

These are the sorts of erections that are very common for all men as well. Especially these are the sort of erections that mainly men who do not have an active sex life.

One example of this can also be when you watch erotic content, and you get this erection happening. It happens because you are thinking of yourself in an intimate position at that moment as well.

➦ Nocturnal erections:

These are erections that are not influenced by sexual thoughts or anything. It can happen naturally. It can happen while you are sleeping. It usually happens when you are in the REM phase of your sleep.

Every person who has a healthy penile function will get this during the night. This is normal and nobody has to worry that they are facing any abnormal issue. Getting a hard penis while sleeping indicates you have a great penile health.

At What Age Do Men Stop Getting Erection

Stages Of Erection

While many think that erection is a single process, most certainly it is not. Based on research of NIH we have been able to figure out this. It happens in different stages.

Various stages culminate into one which makes you get a hard penis. This ensures that you are maintaining heart pain for a longer time as well. The better these stages and their functions, the better will be your ability to maintain a hard penis naturally. It reduces the need to depend on Vidalista 2.5 mg or ED Trial Pack products to manage the problem.

stage 1

  • This is the first stage of it which is vital to get erections without the ones we get at night. Sex drive and libido play a big role in this.
  • The thought of wanting to have sex or the stimulation we get in our mind when we feel attracted represents this.
  • Healthier persons who do not face any major mental health issues get this better. It creates signals from the brain which then get transmitted through nerves. That is what makes us more activated during intimate actions.

stage 2

  • After the initial stage of arousing thoughts, the blood vessels around your private region start to dilate. The process triggers the blood vessels to become wider. It enables more blood-carrying capacity.
  • This ensures that blood circulation around your penis can happen properly. Higher blood flow in the penis during arousal will help you maintain hard erections for a longer time. The process is critical for unhinged blood flow to happen while you want to have sex.

stage 3

  • As the dilated blood vessels allow more blood flow the blood starts to enter the tissues of the penis.
  • As more tissues get filled with it harder and longer your penis gets. This ultimately helps you to get the erections you need. Fit persons can get this naturally. Persons facing erectile dysfunction might have to take the brand “blue pill” medicine Cenforce 100.
  • A semi-stage after this does happen where the blood remains present in these tissues for some time. Usually, a man can maintain erections for about 15 minutes. This means that the blood stays in the penile tissues for about that time.

stage 4

  • Eventually, the blood present inside your penile tissues drains out. It starts to retract back to other parts of the body.
  • Usually happens when you are done with your orgasms and the arousal does not last anymore. Your penis becomes flaccid and does not remain hard after that. It is the end stage of erection.

ED Pack

All Erection-Related Problems You Can Face

There are different kinds of erectile issues you can face that will affect your intimate life. Issues like Erectile Dysfunction are something that we all know. Issues like hypertension can trigger this.

However, there can be other problems including priapism that can affect you. It can happen when you are getting erections that last more than 4 hours. These are certainly matters of concern if your penis stays hard for this amount of time.

Again, there are other issues such as Peyronie’s disease. Alongside this, you can also develop bad conditions that can include bad effects on your sex health. These conditions sometimes become embarrassing if a person feels less about himself.

It is vital that will you do face these issues you approach doctors who can provide you the remedy. Upon approval of an expert, do not hesitate to get a “purple pill” of Fildena 100.


Having in-depth knowledge about erections is certainly more vital than you think. It helps you to understand how you get to a point where your penis becomes hard. This allows you some knowledge and ideas to improve and work on your intimate health with your knowledge.