The Connection Between Age And Erectile Dysfunction
By Australiarxmeds, Nov-21-2024

➦ Often there is a saying that the more we age the more we get prone to different health issues. While some think it is a myth in the current generation, not all is entirely wrong. It is indeed true that age is a major factor that causes different health problems in us.
➦ For example, take the males. As males get over the age of 50 or 60, they may end up with different health problems. They even get sexually affected by problems like Erectile Dysfunction. With this problem, men must buy Vidalista 20 mg and use it carefully.
➦ Now, in this article, we shall find out about the relationship between age and erectile dysfunction. Through this article, we will see the risk factors that open as males age and become prone to ED.
➦ We will try and find out why is it that aging is a factor that links up with sexual problems. Lastly, we will find out about the treatment methods for curing ED in old and aged men.
Is There A Connection Between Age And ED?
Yes, it seems that there is a connection between age and ED; at least the statistics and numbers say it. Having ED seems to be growing in males as they age above their 40s or 50s.
Recent studies show that as much as 25% of males above the age of 50 are having signs or already have a severe issue with Erectile Dysfunction. But does it mean that below this age there is no risk of ED?
No, that is not true either. It seems the risk of ED is advertently high with aging. But even a male in their 20s or 30s can end up with this sexual problem. The Fildena Double 200 mg online is a good and cheap solution to getting harder erections again.
How Can Age Become A Major Concern For ED?
So, at least numbers confirm that there is something that makes the elders prone to this penile issue. But what is that?
Well, we define that as a set of risk factors. Risk factors as we shall tell you below are a set of few points that just make you more prone to this issue. However, you can even try to get an idea about the problem if you think clearly.
As we age, our metabolic functions start to reduce and hamper often. Even the hormonal levels change causing changes in the way we behave or our brain triggers. Scientists believe that all these internal factors play a crucial role for elder males making them prone to ED.
To justify what we said, let us try to give you an example. Let us take an example of a man who is in his mid-50s. At this age, indeed, the production or secretion of testosterone is not as high as a 25-year-old. Often T levels are way lower in older males, and this is a major factor why old males seem to have ED often.
As testosterone levels drop there is a reduction in every sexual aspect like sexual drive, sexual stamina, sexual ability, and even sexual functions. By sexual functions, we mean that at this age, he will probably have less sperm cell count, low sperm cell production, and so on.
What Are The Risk Factors As We Age That Make You Prone To ED?
Now let us talk about the risk factors of Erectile Dysfunction at an older age. Here we will try to explain all the reasons in detail to give you a better idea.
➨ Elderly People Sleep Less
It is often seen that the elders would sleep too little as they age. Even you must have seen elderly people in your family talking about a reduction in sleep over the years due to aging. This seems to be a common thing nowadays.
Sleep gives a huge low to normal functions inside the brain. It even affects the way we tend to have sexual drive. Often sleep issues like insomnia and sleep apnea and other sleep issues are quite common in elder males.
Not just sexual drive, without the proper brain functions testosterone hormones will dip causing further problems in erections. This is why they often need to take Cenforce 100 mg blue pill to get a hard erection.
➨ They Often Suffer From Feelings Of Stress And Mental Anxiety
Age seems to bring in mental changes and this affects their sexual capabilities. To study this effect, scientists studied the mental changes in men above the age of 50. They also reviewed their sexual problems.
After a long-time study, it is seen that there is a loss in sexual intention and drive in elder males above a certain age. Now this can be true due to several factors like-
- Feelings of loneliness
- Thoughts of death
- Thinking about my prime adulthood days feeling nostalgic
- Mental stress over a critical or terminal disorder
- Living for too long and becoming a burden for their children
Such thoughts often reduce sexual function in males. This often creates a feeling of anxiety and depression. And logically sexual drive will take a hit as well and this causes problems like Erectile Dysfunction.
➨ Fighting Overweight And Obesity Problems
Age often means lack of activity and feelings of laziness and tiredness coming in. This often creeps up issues like obesity or overweight issues in most senior-aged males. Obesity and extra pounds of weight play a major dampening role in your sexual life.
Current studies show that such a problem in males can reduce sexual drive by almost 50%. This means that your sexual life will take a major downturn after being a victim of overweight issues.
➨ High Blood Sugar Or Diabetes
Another major threat of Erectile Dysfunction in older males is high blood sugar levels or already suffering the worst of it is diabetes. A study shows that nearly 40% of men above the age of 50 have high blood sugar. And out of this, at least 15% are pre-diabetic while another 8% suffer from severe diabetic issues.
Sugar levels in the blood if present in too high amounts can largely affect your erection abilities. To understand this, think about what happens during blood flow. During normal blood flow usual volumes of blood flow normally.
But if sugar levels are high in the blood, they would start forming deposits in the inner linings of the arteries. This would reduce the room for blood flow. More than this it also affects the health of the arteries leading their damage and collapse.
On a large scale, many arteries are damaged and the blood flow to the erections is reduced by a fair margin. This will affect erection abilities since it needs a rush of blood for penis erections. This is why such males need to use more of Super P Force.
➨ With Age, Most Become Prone To Addictions
Different issues like stress, anxiety, suffering from the pain of surgery, or fighting the lonely battle against a terminal disorder are the thoughts that lead to addiction issues in elderly people.
And addictions to alcohol or drugs or vaping have a critical effect on your ability to get hard erections.
These issues can lead to all forms of threats for Erectile Dysfunction:
- heart issues
- diabetes
- blood pressure
- obesity
- high cholesterol
- mental anxiety, and severe depression
➨ Suffering From A De-Shaped Penis
Last but not least we are going to talk about a general loss in the shape of the penis due to aging. It seems that as we age, the penis begins to form a curved shape. Notice if you have a straight erection or if your penis is curved when erect.
If it has developed a curved shape, it may just be a sign of a major issue known as Peyronie’s disorder. Most studies show that it is tough to get a penis hard and maintain an erection if your penis has this curvature. Still pills like Vidalista Black 80 mg will work best here to get a solid erection.
➨ Remedies For Older People With ED
Just as it is for the young, the elderly and aged men also need a lot of empathy and support during their tough times. Without this mental support, they often tend to become hopeless about any sexual pleasure so deep in their lives. This lack of trust and loss of any sexual and romantic bonding creates a huge level of stress in the person often making ED severe.
However, the good news is that even in older age you may be able to get a cure for this problem. Of course, one of the simple ways is to use pills like Vidalista.
But the most important step to having permanent positive changes in your erection abilities begins with a good lifestyle. Yes, beautifying your lifestyle is just as important as it was in your youthful days.
So, try and get rid of habits of drinking often, using drugs, bringing sleep habits back to normal, try and avoid anxious thoughts through yoga, meditation, and so on.